Head Massage

Head Massage

Experience deep relaxation, feel re-energized and get relief from stress, headaches and migraines.
Thai Yoga + Thai Oil Massage

Thai Yoga + Thai Oil Massage

A powerful Thai Tradition massage is a series of yoga postures while palming and thumbing the body. This massage is designed to alleviate deep-seated tension and muscular stress, boost the immune system and balance the body energetically.
Four Hands Thai Oil Massage

Four Hands Thai Oil Massage

It eases, lengthens and realigns muscles by applying a combination of pressure point work, deep tissue techniques and superficial massaging.
Back & Shoulder Massage

Back & Shoulder Massage

Get relief from concentrated aches, muscular pain, discomfort or tension in the upper body. A Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage helps loosen the tensed muscles in the back and shoulders area, get rid of stiffness and promote deep relaxation.